The Ministry of Interior has educated the Islamabad High Court (IHC) that US blogger Cynthia D. Ritchie is living in Pakistan on an ‘expanded’ visa and she is taking a shot at film ventures as a team with the military’s media issues wing Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa government. The Ministry in its report submitted to the IHC on Friday expressed that Ms Ritchie “educated in her application that she had been working with Walkabout Films as a team with ISPR and the KPK Government on different film ventures in the nation. She further expressed that she was hanging tight for complete reports for the proper expansion of her business visa for one year which may take a couple of more days hence she mentioned for a transitory augmentation of 30 days in her visa.”

“She likewise joined a letter no. 01/IAAD/2018 dated 27.12.2018 from ISPR expressing that Walkabout Films Private Limited is attempted different ventures in a joint effort with ISPR and she is working with Walkabout Films on certain activities,” the report said. Extra Attorney General Tariq Mahmoud Khokhar presented that Ms. Ritchie’s visa stood reached out till August 31 and she had not submitted any lawlessness or any bothersome or hostile to state action as affirmed.
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The court dismissed the meeting till one week from now for conclusive contentions on the request of Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) extremist Chaudhry Iftikhar Ahmed, who had tested her long remain in Pakistan after the expiry of her business visa in March and asserted contribution in a media crusade against pioneers of the resistance. As indicated by the request, her business visa terminated on March 2, 2020 and she was not qualified for remain in Pakistan a while later. The business by means of had been allowed on March 18, 2019 without satisfying the lawful conventions, the solicitor asserted, including that she additionally misquoted data in her visa augmentation application submitted to the Ministry of Interior after the expiry of her business visa in March.
The solicitor alluded to different exercises of the respondent and her media articulations and web based life posts, which as indicated by him were disparaging and offensive. As indicated by the Interior Ministry’s report, “Cynthia D. Ritchie denied all the claims against her, she expressed that her visa terminated on March 2, 2020 and she presented an application before the date of expiry. Be that as it may, due to Covid-19 circumstance, no expansions were being prepared and all outsiders were conceded augmentation, consequently, she was all the while remaining in Pakistan under a substantial visa as stretched out by the Ministry of Interior.” As to visa, Ms. Ritchie said it was not obligatory for each business visa holder to enroll an organization in Pakistan rather business could be completed in association with different organizations. She said she was a functioning citizen in the US and furthermore added duplicates of different reports gave by Internal Revenue Service of Department of the Treasury and others in regards to her organization in the US with the name of DIFFERENT LENS PRODUCTION LLC enrolled with California Secretary of State.