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Tahira Farooqi's response regarding the Careem Shaadi se bhaago” ad

Tahira Farooqi’s response regarding the Careem Shaadi se bhaago” ad

According to Ms Tahira Farooqi the advertisement regarding the whole concept of fleeing from you’re marriage using Careem is baseless but it should not be considered to be a war against the morals that Pakistani’s hold so dear. In addition Careem is a very successful enterprise in Pakistan and its services has provided a lot of ease for the citizens. In turn it has also helped in breaking down the monopoly created by taxi drivers and rickshaw drivers, who were charging prices at their will.

In addition she also said, that it should be remembered that various major brands in the world face criticism on everyday basis. While addressing a video, in which it showed that Coke and Pepsi were being used as bathroom cleaners and that they were doing a good job in cleaning the bathroom, in addition to that both brands of cola were tested on various mosquitos and it was found that they were easily killing them, these videos were broadcasted worldwide, yet no one stopped consuming that brand, why should Careem face a complete embargo from the people!

It should be noted that targeted advertising is a must in a country such as Pakistan, many brands are indulged in this sort of campaigning and while there may be some good advertisments every here and then, there is always going to be some bad ones, ones which are not in the conservative society of Pakistan. In addition to that TV is another source of negativity for the people, especially our children, when parents watch TV alongside their children, they do not have the slightest clue as to what their children may be learning and what ideas they may be taking upon themselves, while there are some really nice shows, there is always that constant flow of negativity. Take for example, the various dramas that show people the concept of a negative household.

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So in a world such as this, who in the right mind would think that this sort of a thing is not normal, people are acting as if the girl does flee from the household, the will be the ones supporting her family and doing whatnot. But Alas, our media will do everything right, I mean they are the ones who Highlighted this failed marketing strategy, marking it as a war against the morals of our great nation’s pride. When the same girl has to flee from her wedding using a rickshaw or a bus then noone will come to aid her, but if Careem does it then it is totally condemned.

Finally Ms Tahira Farooqi states that all that she has said(which I have summarized) is stated for the illiterate people of Pakistan who are always on the run-up front to criticize and demoralise anything which they deem to be unethical, just because our beloved media said that it was. In contrast she said that this advertisement should just be taken as an ordinary advertisement which failed to gain any positive feedback due to the cultural shock that Pakistan has instored for such multinationals. Careem have brought about great ease for the people of Pakistan and one bad example should not dictate its resolve.

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