NetMag Global

Ilm Association to be launched today

Ilm Association to be launched today. Pakistan’s first association representing companies and not-for-profits producing innovative, homegrown products and services to…

Karandaaz Pakistan spearheads FinTech Domain in Pakistan

Karandaaz Pakistan spearheads FinTech Domain in Pakistan. Grantees of Karandaaz Pakistan FinTech Disrupt Challenge showcased innovative technology-based solutions for financial…

PMIC and Karandaaz Pakistan sign Subordinate Loan Agreement

PMIC and Karandaaz Pakistan have signed a subordinate loan agreement under which Karandaaz Pakistan will provide PMIC with asubordinate loan…

Karandaaz launches first-of-its-kind Study on Warehouse Receipt Financing

Karandaaz Pakistan,a Section 42 company working to promote access to finance for small businesses and financial inclusion in the country…