So overthe years the world has progressed so much and one of the major additions has been that of the various platforms to allow users to stream videos and the top brand there is without a doubt YouTube. Users have access to all sorts of videos ranging from various categories be it educational, music or even movies but like all good things there are some drawbacks or in this case content which is deemed as being undesirable tor any particular user. The other major issue is that of getting recommended certain videos which one does not ever want to see. Now in a new update, the company have just introduced new features to tackle such issues.
YouTube have just announced the addition of new features which will be added to the platform which will help in bringing better transparency for users with the aim being to cancel out any un-required and harmful content,
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In a blog post, YouTube manager Essam El-Dardiyr said that, “One thing we’ve consistently heard from you is that you want more control over what videos appear on your homepage and in Up Next suggestions. So we’re doing more to put you in the driver’s seat.”Probably the most impactful features which are to be introduced consist of a information box which can be located under the recommended videos section which shows why they are present on your homepage and a shortcut has also been included which helpsyou hide specific channels to improve your overall experience on YouTube.
The additionof the new features show how serious our viewing experienceis to folks at YouTube. Take it forexample, that we are sure that you have at least once wondered why certain videos pop up in our homepage without a user’s consent and we will finally have an explanation that will help us to discover similar channels that we like or dislike.It can now be regarded as a relief to see that YouTube is taking matters related to management of content on the Video Platform very seriously. Consideringthe accidents which have occurred in the past it is good to see the platform taking necessary action to ensure a better and safer experience for its users.