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Google is killing Chrome Apps from web store section

Google is killing Chrome Apps from web store section

Google is killing Chrome Apps from web store section. Google has officially killed the Chrome App Store for both Mac and Windows users. The reason behind this move was simple; Google says that nobody uses the Chrome App Store.

if in the past you’ve been using Chrome Apps to get a hold on your work done, then now you to have to rethink how you do things.

One year ago Google notified that the potential future of Chrome App store is not really intense and bright and now just a year after that finally Google make it clear that users won’t able to use it anymore as they are going to vanish it.

Google wants to make Google Chrome experience more simple, user friendly and clean for its users. As recently, Google has removed the Chrome App Store section however you can still download Google Chrome Applications via direct links. However, you’ll just no longer be capable to search and surf for them as in the past.

On the other hand, with the killing of Chrome apps, a fresh form of applications named Progressive Web Apps (PWA) is expected to be launched too.

PWAs are actually websites with some fantastic functionality which makes them come into view as standalone applications. Currently Microsoft, Apple, Samsung, Firefox, and Opera support PWAs to one extent or another.

PWA’s includes the options like full screen, push notifications, some offline mode and an application icon.

Google is expected to launch this feature for Desktops in the mid of 2018.

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While some criticized it, many users appreciated the move by Google as there is no sense to keep a thing which is not being used anymore.

You would like to start shifting your workflow away from Chrome Apps as soon as you can, although don’t need to get panic as the apps won’t stop working immediately simply because Google has de-emphasized them in its Web Store.

On the other hand, they’ll no longer be intensely supported on any platform other than Chrome OS.

Well, you don’t need to puzzle and confuse the Chrome Apps with Google Extensions.

As Google extensions are a significant feature extensively used for making web experience improved and better. And yes, Google has no plans of killing it in upcoming times.

Some popular extensions are password managers, VPN tools and ad blockers, Google docs, slides. These extensions help us and make our browsing experience better and well-organized.

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