NetMag Global

Trump just hits back at business leaders

Donald Trump the US President hit back at business leaders on Tuesday as senior managers from executives attempted to distance…

Alex Stamos: "We focus too much on complexity, not harm."

In the opening keynote of Black Hat conference 2017, Alex Stamos said that we are focusing on technically complex stunt…

Google study: Cyber-thieves made at least $25m from ransomware in the last two years.

According to a report, Ransomware now regularly makes more than $1 million a month for its creators, and Cyber-thieves have…

Tor is the best option but not the perfect software

Tor is the best option but not the perfect software Roger Dingledine is the co-creator of Tor (a non-profit group…

Here is why the security guru regrets his advice

The “Guru” who had given an advice to the users to change their password every 90 days to protect their…

Trump: lashes out at Amazon because it causes damage to the tax paying retailers

On Wednesday, President Donald Trump blamed Amazon, online retailer, for “great damage” to U.S. retailers. Trump said North Korean leader…

Bill Gates turned in 64 Million of Microsoft Shares in charity

The richest man on the earth has once again given a huge amount of money in a donation. Bill Gates,…

Acumen requires 20 Pakistanis, 1st September is last date to apply

For its Regional Fellowship program, Acumen is looking for 20 Pakistanis. The individuals that are leaders in their own communities…

Facebook to Redesign its News Feed and add a gray bubble

Facebook to Redesign its News Feed and add a gray bubble to show full comment Facebook redesign nixes the blue…

FAW collaborates with Al-Haj group to manufacture FAW V2 in Pakistan

FAW collaborates with Al-Haj group to manufacture FAW V2 in Pakistan This is the age of the tiredness of the…

Google’s voice search will recognize 30 languages including Urdu

Google voice search is now getting more better than before as it supports now 30 different languages from all around…

Amazingly priced Ethernet cable on Amazon

Amazon has a 50-feet Ethernet cable for you for less than $7. 50-feet flat Ethernet cable by CableMonsta is for…