SANSO Technologies® the producers of ” Sanso Mobile™ “, an EU based Telecom & Smartphone R&D & Manufacturer is set to go to infiltrate into Pakistan’s Smartphone & Telecom Industry with their extraordinary R&D of Smartphone & Telecom innovation and appealing structures to provide food the necessities of the market and clients from all segments i.e. Low-end, Mid-Range, Budget-Range, Entry Level Flagship, Flagship etc. with its cutting edge innovative data security & technology for everyone regardless of the segment.
SANSO™ is known as one of the significant players in EU in Telecom & Smartphone R&D and Manufacturing Industry because of its monstrous innovation development in display, camera and data privacy & security of Smartphones. Sanso™ to start operations in Pakistan
SANSO™ is optimistic to serve another period of clients with the new style & upgraded variants, yet just as by keeping its LEGACY up.

SANSO™ with its alluring plans with client centric features & functionalities & need of elegant designs, AI based smart camera & image processing technology, with genuine full view screen & smart power management with user-friendly UI individually in their mobiles.
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SANSO™ is set to launch its own smart outlets and customer care centers Pan Pakistan with E-Store of SANSO™ as well as third party vendors affiliations.
SANSO™ is ready to take parallel step of expansion of its R&D Center & Manufacturing Factory in Pakistan for smartphones, IoTs & Telecom Equipment & smart consumer electronics to create more local jobs and skill development in Research and development sector of Telecom/Smartphones/Smart consumer electronics/SoCs like going in EU, Japan and UAE since long.
SANSO™ is aiming to launch its new 2020 variants of “SANSO H2 Series” in November 2020.

SANSO™ doesn’t stop here, its vision and approach is to take innovation to everybody with no compromise in quality, design, innovation and security. They have done some imaginative mind boggling work in “DATA & DEVICE SECURITY” to guarantee that SANSO MOBILE™ turns into the first client decision in quite a while of security and innovation and Class & are endorsed by EU GDPR (Global Data Protection Regulations) framework authorities & cyber security platforms being the secure smartphone available which can be the plus point for SANSO™ as well as users of SANSO Mobile™ in this era of globalization where user data is the next big thing to secure, which SANSO™ is doing very well.

Isn’t it extraordinary, that in this season of rivalry in Telecom & Smartphone industry where organizations just consider about their benefits and helpless portable security, there is some genuine client caring Telecom & Smartphone organization (i.e. SANSO™) who has created something to serve and secure its clients from any undesirable circumstance and concentrating on its benefit as well as at client’s benefits also with demonstrated achievements presently prepared to serve Pakistani Smartphone clients.
In the event that Innovation must be done in Telecom & Smartphone Industry, SANSO™ is doing it and accept it by conveying it.
SANSO™ is taking the bold step of expansion of its commercial Manufacturing & R&D center for the betterment of Pakistan Telecom Industry & enhancement of Pakistani talent with the aim of local higher jobs creation to serve the nation by contributing in its GDPR & export growth to make Pakistan one of the highest Telecom exporting country among others, all it needs uninterrupted support of consumers.